Alan Hite Photographics Mask
$15.00 -
Cardinal Tote Bag
$20.00 -
A Quiet Moment 2 (16" x 24")
$135.00 -
A Quiet Moment (16" x 24")
$135.00 -
Homage to Monet (16" x 24")
$225.00 -
Botanical 3
$15.00 - $150.00 -
Botanical 2
$15.00 - $150.00 -
Botanical 1
$15.00 - $150.00
Alemoji here!
Kemoji asked me to stop by and introduce myself to the Designs and Expressions family. Of course, when one 'moji asks another 'moji to do something, we get right on it!
I've been Alan Hite's assistant for a 15 years now. Alan Hite Photographics is a great place to work and Alan is also a pretty cool guy! His attention to detail and ability to transform a simple landscape into an amazing image is absolutely amazing! It's an honor to watch him create....but shhh...don't tell him I said that. I don't want him going all "Celebrity" on me. We 'mojis like to live a simple life.
Anyway, our partnership with Designs and Expressions is one of epic proportion. Kemoji and I are great friends and we've put our heads together and presented some really great ideas to Keith and Alan. We sat down with the two of them and discussed how we could help them expand their business. Being a 'moji has its benefits, and Keith and Alan are taking full advantage of all the great ideas Kemoji and I have come up with. Take a look at some of the things we have to offer. If you come up with something that you'd like customized, hey, let me know. Alan likes me to run things by him, but like any 'moji, I have the ability to get him to do just about anything I ask.
So look around, tell a friend, and if you have a 'moji in your life, drop a picture of him/her on your order form. Kemoji and I love meeting other 'mojis.
While you're here, check out the Kemoji and Friends page and see some of the other great things the 'moji friends at Designs and Expressions have come up with. We're always hard at work creating "Custom designs that speak so you don't have to!"