Zeta Sigma March of Dimes
$25.00 -
Grinch and Black Santa
$10.00 -
Naughty/It Was Worth It
$10.00 -
Grinch and Santa
$10.00 -
Naughty/Nice Keychain
$10.00 -
Naughty/Nice Wine Glass
$10.00 -
2022 Coffee Mug
$20.00 -
Christmas Scene Puzzle
$20.00 -
3 Wise Men Christmas Puzzle
$20.00 -
Looking for deals and discounts? Well, you've come to the right place. Designs and Expressions runs promotions all the time and we thought it helpful if we placed them all in one location. So anytime you see a promotion or you just want to check out what's on sale, stop on by and take a look. We are SURE you will find something that will make you smile!